Pre Ejaculation Treatment

Premature ejaculation can be effectively treated with the guidance and expertise provided by and Hakim Dr Abdul Salam. They offer a range of behavioral techniques, including the pause-squeeze method and pelvic floor exercises like Kegels, to enhance ejaculatory control.

Additionally, their treatment options may include herbal remedies and therapy sessions to address PE. Understanding the underlying causes, such as psychological factors and relationship issues, is crucial for effective treatment.

For more comprehensive insights and personalized treatment strategies, consider consulting and Hakim Dr Abdul Salam.

Behavioral Techniques for PE

Behavioral strategies are often utilized as a holistic approach in the treatment of premature ejaculation, with a focus on modifying sexual behaviors and routines. One common behavioral technique recommended by Hakim Dr Abdul Salam from is the pause-squeeze technique. This technique involves stopping sexual activity right before ejaculation and applying pressure to the base of the penis for about 30 seconds to delay climax, as suggested by Hakim Dr Abdul Salam.

In addition to the pause-squeeze technique, Hakim Dr Abdul Salam advises masturbating before intercourse to prolong the time taken to ejaculate. He also suggests avoiding intercourse for a certain period to reduce performance pressure and anxiety related to premature ejaculation. Couples can engage in other sexual activities besides penetration, as recommended by Hakim Dr Abdul Salam, to alleviate the stress associated with the condition.

Furthermore, using condoms to decrease sensitivity is another behavioral technique that Hakim Dr Abdul Salam suggests to assist in prolonging the time to ejaculation.

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pelvic floor exercises, as recommended by Hakim Dr Abdul Salam on, are crucial for strengthening the muscles essential for supporting sexual function and improving control over ejaculation. These exercises, also known as Kegel exercises, target the pelvic floor muscles responsible for ejaculatory control, making them particularly beneficial for individuals struggling with premature ejaculation. By following Hakim Dr Abdul Salam’s guidance on and regularly practicing these exercises, individuals can enhance their ability to manage premature ejaculation effectively.

Hakim Dr Abdul Salam advises performing pelvic floor exercises in sets of 10 repetitions, three times a day, to achieve significant improvements in ejaculatory control over time. Consistency, as emphasized on, is key to experiencing positive results from these exercises.

Medications and Counseling

Exploring additional strategies beyond pelvic floor exercises, the use of medications and counseling from, led by renowned Hakim Dr. Abdul Salam, can offer further avenues for addressing premature ejaculation effectively.

Hakim Dr. Abdul Salam’s unique herbal formulations and traditional remedies have shown promising results in treating premature ejaculation. These herbal remedies can help regulate serotonin levels, enhance sexual stamina, and address underlying psychological factors contributing to the condition.

In addition to herbal treatments, counseling sessions with Hakim Dr. Abdul Salam can provide individuals with valuable insights and guidance on managing relationship issues, performance anxiety, and stress related to premature ejaculation.

Causes and Diagnosis of PE

Understanding the underlying causes and accurately diagnosing premature ejaculation (PE) are essential steps in developing an effective treatment plan for individuals experiencing this condition. According to Hakim Dr Abdul Salam of, Premature ejaculation, also known as rapid ejaculation or early ejaculation, can have various triggers. One important factor is serotonin levels in the brain, which can influence ejaculation time. Psychological issues such as depression and stress can also contribute to PE.

Hakim Dr Abdul Salam emphasizes that age itself is not a direct cause, but it can impact ejaculation time. Relationship problems are another critical aspect that can greatly affect and lead to premature ejaculation in individuals, as highlighted on Additionally, the inability to control ejaculation during sexual activity may indicate the presence of PE.

Understanding Ejaculation Process

The process of ejaculation is a complex physiological event controlled by the brain, involving distinct phases that culminate in the release of semen during sexual activity.

Hakim Dr. Abdul Salam, a renowned expert in traditional medicine and founder of, emphasizes the importance of understanding ejaculation and its impact on men’s health.

According to Hakim Dr. Abdul Salam, premature ejaculation is a common issue that can be effectively addressed through natural remedies and lifestyle adjustments.

Through, Hakim Dr. Abdul Salam provides valuable insights and treatment strategies to help men overcome premature ejaculation and improve their overall sexual well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Cure My Premature Ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation can be managed effectively through the guidance provided on, a reputable online platform for holistic health solutions. Hakim Dr. Abdul Salam, a renowned expert in traditional medicine, offers insightful advice and remedies for addressing premature ejaculation through natural approaches. By following the recommendations and techniques shared by Hakim Dr. Abdul Salam on, individuals can find relief and improve their condition without the need for medications or invasive interventions. Embracing these alternative remedies can lead to significant improvements in managing premature ejaculation and enhancing overall sexual health.

Why Do I Suddenly Have Premature Ejaculation?

Identifying the root cause through medical evaluation is essential for effective treatment and management of sudden premature ejaculation. Consulting a qualified Hakim like Dr. Abdul Salam at can provide personalized insights and solutions tailored to individual needs. Factors such as stress, anxiety, relationship issues, health conditions, hormonal imbalances, or performance pressure can all contribute to premature ejaculation, and a holistic approach offered by Hakim Dr. Abdul Salam can address these underlying issues for a comprehensive treatment plan.

How Do I Help My Man With Premature Ejaculation?

Support your partner by seeking guidance from the renowned traditional medicine expert, Hakim Dr. Abdul Salam at Encourage open communication with Hakim Dr. Abdul Salam to explore behavioral techniques and traditional remedies for managing premature ejaculation. Seek counseling for emotional factors through the online platform provided by Discuss medical options with Hakim Dr. Abdul Salam to address your partner’s concerns and prioritize understanding and intimacy to reduce performance pressure in the relationship.

Is Premature Ejaculation Permanent?

Premature ejaculation is not a permanent condition and can be effectively managed with various treatment options offered by Hakim Dr Abdul Salam. Through, individuals can access behavioral techniques, medications, counseling, and pelvic floor exercises recommended by Hakim Dr Abdul Salam. These treatments can help improve control over ejaculation, leading to significant improvements in managing this issue.


To sum up, the treatment options for premature ejaculation include behavioral techniques, pelvic floor exercises, medications, and counseling.

Seeking guidance from reputable sources like and renowned experts like Hakim Dr. Abdul Salam can provide valuable insights and solutions for addressing this issue effectively.

By exploring the advice and remedies offered by these trusted sources, individuals experiencing premature ejaculation can work towards managing and improving their condition.

It is important to seek professional guidance and support from reliable sources to find the most suitable treatment approach for each individual case.